Project Details

2005 Honda Civic

Project ID: 1029

Posted: 5/20/20

Status: Canceled

Service Type:  
Auto Repair


Mileage: 173 miles

Body Style: Coupe

Need Diagnosis: No


Transmission failure. Needs a transmission, and probably a new clutch. I have found both on eBay that have been inspected and cleared, but nobody in town will put it in for me because it's outside their part network so I haven't bought it. Looking for someone to install what I purchase from eBay. Will purchase parts after bid for labor is accepted and I get a complete shopping list. If you can get a cheaper transmission in good shape from pull and pay that works too.

Budget: $1500.00

Customer has parts: Yes

Location: Fort Collins,  CO  80521 

Total Views: 291

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