Freelancer Non-Compete / Disclosure

Universal Non-Compete and Payment Disclosure for Freelance Mobile Mechanics

This Universal Non-Compete and Payment Disclosure ("Disclosure") is issued by Mechlance Inc., doing business as (the "Company"), to all freelance mobile mechanics (the "Freelancer") who engage with the Company. By accepting work assignments through, whether through the website, phone, or other communication, Freelancers automatically agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this Disclosure.

1. Purpose

Mechlance Inc. operates a nationwide platform that connects freelance mobile mechanics with individual customers and fleet companies for vehicle maintenance, diagnostics, and repair services. This Disclosure serves to establish and enforce proper payment channels, protect Mechlance Inc.'s business interests, and ensure that Freelancers do not engage in direct transactions with customers that would bypass the Company’s payment system.

2. Customer Exclusivity

By accepting work through the platform, Freelancers acknowledge that all customers—whether individuals with a single vehicle or businesses with fleets of two or more vehicles—are considered the exclusive customers of Mechlance Inc. for a period of five (5) years from the date of the last service provided by the Freelancer through the platform. This exclusivity applies to all customers introduced to Freelancers by the Company, regardless of the scope or nature of the service provided.

During this five-year period, Freelancers agree not to:

  • Enter into any side deals, independent agreements, or direct contracts with any Mechlance Inc. customers.
  • Solicit or accept direct payments from customers for any labor or services, whether through electronic payments (e.g., Cash App, PayPal, Venmo) or traditional means (e.g., cash, check, wire transfer).

3. Prohibited Direct Payments

Freelancers acknowledge that all payments for labor and services performed on behalf of Mechlance Inc. customers must be processed through the Company’s approved payment channels. Freelancers are expressly prohibited from receiving any direct payments from customers for labor or services. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Cash payments
  • Payments through electronic platforms such as Cash App, Venmo, PayPal, or similar services
  • Direct bank transfers or checks from customers
  • Any other method of direct compensation that circumvents Mechlance Inc.

All payments for labor must first be paid to Mechlance Inc., which will then disburse payment to the Freelancer according to the agreed-upon terms and conditions. This process ensures transparency, accountability, and compliance with the Company’s operational standards.

4. Consequences for Side Deals and Unauthorized Payments

In the event that a Freelancer engages in a side deal or unauthorized payment arrangement with any Mechlance Inc. customer, the Freelancer will be held financially liable for damages incurred by the Company. This liability includes, but is not limited to:

  • Repayment of up to triple the amount of labor paid to the Freelancer as part of the unauthorized transaction.
  • Reimbursement for any funds lost by Mechlance Inc. due to the side deal, including potential future revenue losses or harm to the Company’s business relationships.

Freelancers acknowledge that these penalties will apply per incident of a side deal or unauthorized payment arrangement. Additionally, the Company reserves the right to pursue legal action to recover these funds, including but not limited to seeking injunctive relief to prevent further violations of this Disclosure.

5. Legal and Administrative Fees

In the event of a breach of this Disclosure, Freelancers agree to reimburse Mechlance Inc. for any legal fees, court costs, or administrative expenses incurred while enforcing the terms of this agreement. These fees will include attorney fees, collection efforts, and any other legal proceedings required to recover funds or enforce the Company’s rights.

The Freelancer acknowledges that the legal fees and costs associated with a breach may be up to 50% of the total amount of funds lost by the Company due to the side deal or unauthorized payment.

6. Five-Year Non-Compete Period

Freelancers agree that for a period of five (5) years from the date of the last engagement with any Mechlance Inc. customer, they will not:

  • Engage in any direct business dealings with customers introduced through, either individually or as part of a fleet company.
  • Solicit customers or accept labor requests without routing payments and services through the Mechlance Inc. platform or its authorized payment channels.
  • Participate in or arrange any side deals that bypass the Mechlance Inc. payment structure.

This non-compete period is critical to protecting Mechlance Inc.'s investments in customer acquisition, relationship management, and operational infrastructure.

7. Termination and Legal Action for Breach

If it is discovered that a Freelancer has breached any part of this Disclosure by accepting direct payments or engaging in side deals with customers, Mechlance Inc. reserves the right to immediately terminate the Freelancer’s access to the platform and pursue legal remedies, including but not limited to:

  • Seeking full reimbursement for any lost revenue or damages caused by the breach.
  • Pursuing legal action to recover triple the amount paid to the Freelancer by the customer in violation of this agreement.
  • Seeking court orders to prevent further breaches and ensure compliance with the Company’s business model.

8. Governing Law

This Disclosure shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the state in which Mechlance Inc. is headquartered. Any disputes arising under or related to this Disclosure shall be resolved in the appropriate court within that jurisdiction.

9. Severability

If any provision of this Disclosure is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the Disclosure shall continue in full force and effect, and the invalid or unenforceable provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it valid and enforceable.

10. Entire Disclosure

This Disclosure constitutes the entire understanding between Freelancers and Mechlance Inc. with respect to payment practices, non-compete obligations, and customer relationships. It supersedes all prior agreements, discussions, and understandings regarding these matters. No modification or waiver of any provision of this Disclosure shall be effective unless in writing and signed by both parties.

By accepting any work assignments from Mechlance Inc. or through, Freelancers expressly agree to the terms of this Disclosure. This agreement is automatically binding and will remain in effect for five (5) years from the date of the last engagement.

11. Acknowledgment of Terms and Automatic Execution

This Disclosure automatically applies to any Freelancer who accepts work through the platform, whether online or over the phone. No additional signature is required to make this agreement effective. Acceptance of any job or payment from Mechlance Inc. constitutes acceptance of the terms outlined in this Disclosure. This agreement is binding upon the Freelancer from the first engagement with any Mechlance Inc. customer.

This Disclosure is effective immediately and remains valid as long as Freelancers continue to accept work and receive payments through the Mechlance Inc. platform.