1986 ford eldorado
Project ID: 729
Posted: 4/20/20
Status: Completed
Service Type:
Auto Repair
Mileage: 61000 miles
Body Style: Other
Need Diagnosis: Yes
it does drive , 1 ton chassy 350 , I got a new choke , I have a manual to explain how to fix it, I need the choke installed, the motor is racing I want to fix choke then go from there. Please give me estimates for choke and diagnosis , when push the gas peddle then you let accelerator off it doesn't stop the rpm just keep going when your going like for example 50 mpg. the truck flood out and loses power when you come to a stop .
Budget: $300.00
Customer has parts: Yes
Location: Farmington, MN 55024
Total Views: 933
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