Project Details

2016 toyota corolla

Project ID: 723

Posted: 4/18/20

Status: Open

Service Type:  
Auto Body


Body Style: Sedan

Need Diagnosis: Yes


on 4/17/2020 i hit a patch of ice- my brakes locked and i slid into a truck in front of me. bumper cover, hood, and driver's headlight cover are damaged. there doesnt seem to be any electrical damage and no damage to the suspension. under the hood looks sufficient and it drives normally. im considering buying all the aftermarket parts, but need help replacing the parts as well as help with painting. im even willing to jump in and help with all of it because i cant afford much right now (i just lost my job due to covid). i would really appreciate your advice! thank you

Budget: $700.00

Customer has parts: Yes

Location: Fort Collins,  CO  80526 

Total Views: 294

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