Project Details

1978 Chevy (RV) P30 (Itasca)

Project ID: 27045

Posted: 8/22/24

Status: Completed

Service Type:  
Auto Repair


Mileage: 541 miles

Body Style: RV

Engine Size: V8 small block

Need Diagnosis: Yes


I had just bought this RV from somebody and drove it home and it overheated and died like shut down. I replaced the thermostat and got an alternator but had not put the alternator in yet and got a starter because I thought that was the issue with why it wasn't starting and installed the starter incorrectly. But now I have it incorrect. Not sure if installing the starter incorrectly had done any damage. The car does nothing now when I turn the key and it didn't do anything before either though. So after it died I'm saying.

Budget: $650.00

Customer has parts: Yes

Location: Saint Paul,  MN  55118 

Located in: Parking Lot

Total Views: 229

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