Project Details

2006 mazda 3

Project ID: 4262

Posted: 11/17/20

Status: Open

Service Type:  
Auto Repair


Mileage: 195000 miles

Body Style: Sedan

Engine Size: 2.0

Need Diagnosis: Yes


We were running extremely low on oil and that caused the lifter to start making a loud ticking noise. The good thing is that as soon as we heard that noise we immediately shut off the car, put it in park and haven't driven it since. Just to be safe. We need an oil change and a new filter for sure. But that's all i know.. Im thinking that might solve the problem since the vehicle was running perfectly fine before this happened. The car still starts, we just haven't driven it to the mechanics shop because i don't want to risk causing anymore damage. We plugged in the diagnostics tool ourselves and got these two codes " P0012 and P0126 "

Budget: $200.00

Customer has parts: No

Location: Tucson,  AZ  85730 

Total Views: 154

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